Occupancy Dilemma & Cape Town Tourism News — Issue #37

Johan Horak @AgencyCapeHolidays
3 min readOct 30, 2022


Hi {{first_name}}

Post-Covid things are changing fast. Passenger ships are arriving. Cape Town’s Red Buses are full. We hear foreign languages all over. Cape Town is abuzz.

And new owners want us to manage their homes. Guests want to stay. Momentum speeds up as we move towards the mad season.

Today, I will share various articles.

The Dilemma Of Maximising Airbnb Occupancy

We are starting with a topic on Airbnb Occupancy. It’s a long read. And specifically targeting new owners. Experienced owners reading it will also benefit as we will share and define common concepts to explain how we try to maximise annual income.

Cape Town Tourism News

The Sunscreen Show Stopper

Because of sunscreen, Cape Town got second for being the cheapest city for UK tourists. See below..

Cape Town is the best destination

Then read about the exciting list of South Africa and Cape Town winners of the World Travel Awards Africa 2022.

Another! Cape Town Is Great

According to Forbes, Time Out’s readers think Cape Town is one of the best. Edinburgh is the best city.

Are You Not Getting High Enough Rates?

If you think you are not getting high enough rates for your Airbnb, don’t read about the owner asking $20000 (R362 000) per night.

How To Fix The No 1 Airbnb Occupancy Dilemma For New Hosts | Cape Town Airbnb Management Agencyagency.capeholidays.info
Annual Airbnb income depends: Airbnb occupancy is a great measure of success but never ignore trust, Airbnb reviews, supply and demand to set daily rates

Because of sunscreen, Vietnam just beat Cape Town as cheapest for UK winter refugees | www.businessinsider.co.za
For those paying in pounds, wine and cocktails are cheap in Cape Town, says the UK Post Office. But high-priced sunscreen puts it in second place again, despite overtaking Japan.

Ranked: The World’s 20 Best Cities In 2022, According To Time Outwww.forbes.com
A new list ranks the best cities in the world to live and visit in 2022.

Dan Bilzerian Goes Full Tony Stark With $20,000 A Night South African Homewww.dmarge.com
Dan Bilzerian has always lived life like it was a movie. But now he’s taken it to the next level, renting out a ‘Tony Stark’ house in Capetown.



Johan Horak @AgencyCapeHolidays

Johan Horak is an experience creator at short term rental agency Agency.CapeHolidays.info in Simonstown Cape Town