How’s Your Sausage Comparing? — Issue #26

Johan Horak @AgencyCapeHolidays
2 min readMar 6, 2022


Dear {{first_name}}

I love it when people compare sausages. I am sharing a lovely story today where a girl compares USA sausages with the South African version. And who do you think is the winner?

The European and even American (USA) sausages are all sort of one size. Chopped at one standard length.

But here in Cape Town and the rest of Southern Africa, our sausage can be any reasonable length and thickness.

No wonder tourists love our magical sausage.

As you may know, our most famous sausage is called Boerewors. Or translated, it’s a farmer’s sausage.

But there is no misunderstanding; it’s called Boerewors by all. It’s the proper stuff. And boerewors’ memories and stories are shared everywhere.

It’s like kissing your first love. You’ll never forget it. And you’ll always remember your first proper boerewors.

Best is Boerewors hot of the braai. As you break it smaller, the juices lit the fire. The charred and braai smoke brings smiles to hungry diners.

Here in SA, we take boerewors for granted. But when you read how foreign tourists rave about boerewors, then you realise how good it is.

Today, I wanted to share with you this USA tourist story about why she likes boerewors more than her local offerings. And it’s not only about boerewors. It’s a great story on Cape Town.

And while I am at it, share a recipe to make another South African delicacy called Vetkoek. Or fat cake.

You would not find vetkoet easily in shops. But you can make it yourself.

Have Fun

The Horak Clan and our team of 5 star SuperHosts hosts look forward to hosting you again in Cape Town at a discount when you book direct.

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Vetkoek and boerewors — Our Fireside
It was to the backdrop of dust and fynbos that I was served my first vetkoek for breakfast (by a regte egte tannie nogal).



Johan Horak @AgencyCapeHolidays

Johan Horak is an experience creator at short term rental agency in Simonstown Cape Town